
oioiii im ellie. hmmm might just explain the whole 'ellie the extra terrestrial'.. basicallyyy my initials are E.T anddd well my hands are really skinny and boney and look like e.t's hands.. so. yeahhh. thanks to miss er, Lauren Day i came up with it ;) oh and also, im a midgetttt, like not even joking. i'm 4'9 and im 16.. think about it. butYEAH. don't have a clue what the fuck i'm doing here.. but here goes?!? 

Friday 14 May 2010


todaaaay its exactly 2 weeks until i leave school :o and alsooo my last day of my last proper week at schoool as for the next 2 weeks its all exams exams exams. yaaayy -.- 

Sunday 9 May 2010


errm i'm sorta obsessed with B.O.B's album 'the adventures of bobby ray'. 

Saturday 8 May 2010


i miss you. 

Tuesday 4 May 2010

for you, mystery person.

so apparently, someone actually reads my blog? so this is for you. 
todaaayyy i did my first GCSE this month. well, actually i only done half of it because its a 10 hour Art exam so i've got the other 5 tomorrow ;D it actually went pretty well tbh. i finished more than i thought i would so i'll be sat around for a while tomorrow but oh well! i'm doing a painting on a canvas for anyonee intrigued ;) so yeah! i only have 18 days left at school though! shock horror. i don't want to leavvveeeeeee